Yesterday, was a pleasure to participate the talk of "Low Theory and Gaga Feminism" presented by the renowned Professor Judith Halberstam. But what is Gaga Feminism?
Transcribing the content, it is stated that from the behaviour of the protesters at the Occupy LA and Occupy Wall Street, that the politics and its style had been modifying into a new style, so called shadow protesters, usually acting as a group, bearing the same paradigm, a collective nature.
In terms of feminism, the shadow feminism, which are not outspoken as frequent. However, shadow feminists are constantly questioning their status, whether they are able to have more choices as appear it should be.
Finally, in terms of Mother Monster, Mother Monster is acting as a conveyor of such form of feminism, suggesting a state of cooperation, and not a competing nature. An example of such feminism was demonstrated in the duet with Yoko Ono, "The Sun is Down" (Linked above). Through the outburst style of performance, cacophony between the duet, and the dialogue between two different generations, one of the purpose was to destroy the paradigms before (classified as normal), and search for the new ones (end of normal). Through this process and the musical performance itself, Mother Monster was able to convey a new form of politics.
An addition, Mother Monster is conveying her messages with her public identity, "Lady Gaga". The identity of "Lady Gaga" had evolved into an important part of the public, where everyone is able to get hold of her information and platforms. Ultimately, in order for one to experience or pursue the new form of politics, one, must "Go Gaga".
Which is quite a parallel with Mother Monster's platform on the relationship with Mother Monster's fans. Mother Monster stated that rather than treating Mother Monster as an distant idol for admiration, Mother Monster would every Lil Monster to have their own "Lady Gaga" in themselves, in order to support for what they think which might not confirm to social norms. "Born This Way", in this context, in my opinion, is actually a punch or an anthem of such movement. What left to be done, would be Lil Monsters incorporate their own "Lady Gaga" in themselves, in order to support what they are desired to do.
I’m beautiful in my way
Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
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