It has been a substantial period of time from my last update, so I shall update the next original acoustic version that I've dedicated to my Mother Monster, the Judas Acoustic. Feel free to state comments on YouTube or Here!
The reason of keeping silent previously was that I was focusing on
making acoustic versions of my Mother Monster's compositions. Please,
again, sit back, #pawsup, and relax enjoying my Violin and Piano version
of my Mother Monster's #BadRomance!!
TaraSavelo @ladygaga Busy tonight, doing what i love the most.
ladygaga @TaraSavelo honestly whats wrong with you
TaraSavelo @ladygaga i cant wait to show you the new hat i got you!!
ladygaga @TaraSavelo ah yes but had i been wearing that i may be in emotional pain from fashion faux pas. that unicorn isn't even life-like #getaclue
TaraSavelo @ladygaga only YOU would be bothered by the authenticity of my thoughtful gift. Is this better? protection AND comfort
ladygaga So Tara I Could Die. #ReplaceASongWithTara
ladygaga @TaraSavelo That looks like us. Except that tube top is a no-no
ladygaga @TaraSavelo AND UNICORNS are REAL. Those are PEOPLE with MASKS. #ThatsTheTruthTea
TaraSavelo @ladygaga i really have no response for this......... well, actually..............
ladygaga @TaraSavelo that is unfortunate
ladygaga @TaraSavelo i just look ready for an annoying birthday party
ladygaga @TaraSavelo and its JU--DAHS JU-DA-AH-AHS. With an S.
#ReplaceASongWithTara, #TheEdgeofTara, So Tara I Could Die, #ThatsTheTruthTea, Bad Tara were all trending last night.
How are not @ladygaga and @TaraSavelo Queens of Twitter???
It was a pity that, the #BTWBalls before the Japan legs, in terms of the variety of the merch, is in comparison lower than the later legs of the #BTWBalls. Such as, the most important piece of a concert, the Concert Program.
Though electronic media is prevalent, the existence of Concert Program is not disregarded and is still used in various types of concerts. Therefore, it is worth pondering the actual usage of the Concert Program. In my opinion, the fact that Concert Program still exists, is to enable attendants to remain their beautiful, wonderful episodes of the performance in their mind. Such that to increase one's impact from the concert.
Obviously, the one I have below, is acting as a replenishment of my tragic encounter in early May. However, why should I remain in the past, and why not hoping for the future?
P. S. #BTWBallDatesForNA
Before establishing a relationship between the key of A Minor and Mother Monster, let's compare A Minor compositions from the Baroque Era, until the Born This Way Era.
Johann Sebastian Bach had his first Violin Concerto in A Minor. Though classical music analysts and performers suggest a mechanic performance style, the melodic and harmonic aspect itself is able to induce emotional contrasts.
Ludwig Van Beethoven had his most famous violin sonata, the Kreutzer Sonata, in A Minor. Need not me to explain, that Beethoven utilized A Minor in to a level, of divine like, such that it used up all of violin's capability to compete it with piano.
Okay, to Mother Monster, just from Bad Romance, I believe that every Little Monster is able to catch that emotional contrast, both from the chord progressions, melodic movement, questionable poetry, and my Mother Monster's contrasting vocal performance. Please enjoy the prototype of the "Bad Romance: Acoustic" played by me, both the Piano and the Violin part, and sit back, #pawsup and enjoy!
A Minor, the fucking simplest key out of Western harmonic structure. It's the fucking key with a key signature of no sharps nor flats. It's the fucking key that you can play all notes (except the leading tone) on the white fucking keys. And, most importantly, it's the fucking key that gives you one of the induced strongest emotions (hence the uncensored obscene terms listed above).
Quoting Wikipedia (again),
Yea, translations...
Charpentier said that about the key "that represents the sadness and tenderness." Mattheson said that the key and "have to lament, dignified, calm personality."
So, #Sadness, #Tenderness, #Lament are adjectives to describe A Minor. But in terms of the pitch, what qualities makes it so? In my opinion, it is rather interesting to consider the diatonic chords (chords build on diatonic notes) and their functions.
On the one side, C Major (III) represents calm and flowing, F Major (VI) represents passion and slightly emotional, G Major (VII) represents a lively and childish manner. On the other hand, chords like D Minor (iv) representing a mild crisis, controversies, and an emotional episode (Such as Dance In The Dark) and E Major/Minor (V/v) giving it the suspense before returning back to A Minor (hence the V -> I Cadence mentioned several days ago). Which, the key of A Minor is consists of various chords with different properties, and therefore making the key able to induce contrasts of emotions and feelings. Does it create the awe? Personally believes that major keys like A Major (The Edge of Glory) and E Major (Eh Eh, Nothing Else I Can Say) would do the job better than A Minor, but it really depends on subjective feelings.
Compositions from Mother Monster, such as Bad Romance, Monster, and Electric Chapel are all in the key of A Minor.
I once asked Mother Monster, via YouTube, that
Why is Bad Romance in the key of A Minor??
Obviously and as expected, this question wasn't answered. But I still believe that this question is worth pondering.
Let's halt here for a sec for you to digest what I had just been fucking talking about...
Woahhhh!! Lady Starlight is gonna do the opening acts starting tonight for the BTWBall Oceania legs and on. Near the middle of April 2012, Lady Starlight was confirmed to join the BTWBall.
Starlight says: "The Born This Way Ball is proof that dreams come true. The dream has never been to get famous and make money. My dream has been to have the ability to express myself in any way I want. Gaga has achieved this and wouldn't rest until she gave me the same opportunity. She is a true best friend. I was lucky enough to do the Monster Ball in 2010, and that was such a blast playing SLAYER and PANTERA to all the Little Monsters that now I'm coming back!"
Just from that mere interview, two things are apparent. First, it is obviously shown that Lady Starlight, even though my Mother Monster was able to achieved her status, Lady Starlight never alienate herself from Mother Monster. Meanwhile, though Mother Monster was up at her status, it was never forgotten that to provide Lady Starlight with chances of demonstrating her "ability to express myself in any way [she] wants". So, a pair of true best friends, the love between them, is definitely over gold.
Aww, that's cute <3
Somebooody got to hear all my new music last night.......*cough cough* @ladystarlightny..feel free to heckle her
Need not me say, last night was full of Drama and Touch. The following conversation was between @ladygaga and @TaraSevelo. Lil Monsters who missed it, please read.
@TaraSavelo tangerine queen <3 xoxo
@ladygaga ill show you who the real TANgerine queen is!!
@tarasavelo you look like a Fanta girl that got fired
@ladygaga we'll see who's laughing when fanta is sponsoring my life! yum yum free orange drinks for every meal! xoxo
@TaraSavelo dream on dreamsicle. I don't even think snookie would sponsor u. At least her tan is EVEN. AND DONT GET THAT CRAP ON MY COUTURE!
@ladygaga i dont get it! i try so hard! i even brought this beautiful photo in as a color guide!!
@tarasavelo Oh now you're being a real bitch Orangina.
@ladygaga just wait til I steal one of your teal wigs..........
@tarasavelo At least my spray tan is famous #SipThatTea
@ladygaga SURPRISE!! new BTWB makeup!! you can thank me later. xoxo
@tarasavelo Im gonna take the moral high ground on this one. coral c*nt
@tarasavelo spoke to Fanta. They said they'd give you a million dollars in sponsorship if you'd go away.
@tarasavelo but they would like to know if the unicorn was available, cantaloupe calves.
@ladygaga friends who spray together, stay together <3 xoxo
@tarasavelo One more squirt out of you and she becomes a horse
@ladygaga "hello? Beyonce?"
@tarasavelo That Tea was spilled. #ReadThoseLeavesB*tch
@ladygaga @brandonvance i think we all know who's who in this photo
Lady Gaga @ladygaga I hope lil monsters know me and Tara are just joking! We love eachother and like to laugh! We love you! You make us have fun!
Lady Gaga
Yesterday, was a pleasure to participate the talk of "Low Theory and Gaga Feminism" presented by the renowned Professor Judith Halberstam. But what is Gaga Feminism?
Transcribing the content, it is stated that from the behaviour of the protesters at the Occupy LA and Occupy Wall Street, that the politics and its style had been modifying into a new style, so called shadow protesters, usually acting as a group, bearing the same paradigm, a collective nature.
In terms of feminism, the shadow feminism, which are not outspoken as frequent. However, shadow feminists are constantly questioning their status, whether they are able to have more choices as appear it should be.
Finally, in terms of Mother Monster, Mother Monster is acting as a conveyor of such form of feminism, suggesting a state of cooperation, and not a competing nature. An example of such feminism was demonstrated in the duet with Yoko Ono, "The Sun is Down" (Linked above). Through the outburst style of performance, cacophony between the duet, and the dialogue between two different generations, one of the purpose was to destroy the paradigms before (classified as normal), and search for the new ones (end of normal). Through this process and the musical performance itself, Mother Monster was able to convey a new form of politics.
An addition, Mother Monster is conveying her messages with her public identity, "Lady Gaga". The identity of "Lady Gaga" had evolved into an important part of the public, where everyone is able to get hold of her information and platforms. Ultimately, in order for one to experience or pursue the new form of politics, one, must "Go Gaga".
Which is quite a parallel with Mother Monster's platform on the relationship with Mother Monster's fans. Mother Monster stated that rather than treating Mother Monster as an distant idol for admiration, Mother Monster would every Lil Monster to have their own "Lady Gaga" in themselves, in order to support for what they think which might not confirm to social norms. "Born This Way", in this context, in my opinion, is actually a punch or an anthem of such movement. What left to be done, would be Lil Monsters incorporate their own "Lady Gaga" in themselves, in order to support what they are desired to do.
I’m beautiful in my way
Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Since Mother Monster is preparing for the BTWBall Oceania legs, I would like to introduce something that is relative to Mother Monster, yet in a deep and detailed domain.
Before I'm going to discuss this topic, I would like to first introduce the concepts of music composition, primarily the concept of "Cadence". To be concise and simple, Cadence is the harmonic chord progressions near the end of each phrase of a verse or a chorus. In general, Cadences are divided into several categories, Authentic, Half, Plague, and Deceptive. Examples are as follows...
Authentic Cadence: (Actual chord / Harmonic notation)
(D/IV) (E/V) - - - - - - (A/I) Where V -> I is an Authentic Cadence (Major key)
Where we can both fall far in lo-ve I'm on the edge...
(E7/V7) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Am/i) Where V7 -> I is an Authentic Cadence (Minor key)
...lover's revenge You and me could write a bad ro-man-ce
Deceptive Cadence:
(C/I) (G/V) - - - - - - - - (Am/vi) Where V -> vi is a Deceptive Cadence (Minor key)
Live passionately to-night I'm gonna marry the dark
(Fm/iv) (Cm/i) [Eb:] (Bb/V)[Cm:] - (Ab/VI) Where V[Eb] -> VI[Cm] is a Deceptive Cadence (Between Relative keys)
A king with no crown, king with no crown I'm just a holy fool...
(Bm/i) (G/VI [D:IV]) (D/I) (A/V) - - - - - - - (Bm/vi) Where V -> vi is a Deceptive Cadence (Major key)
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch Just smoke one cigarette and hu-sh
Though these are all popular cadences, the most frequently used cadences in Mother Monster songs, is the Plauge Cadance. Quoting Wikipedia,
To be honest, I am not quite sure if the so-called "Amen Cadences" are in relationship to some of Mother Monster's compositions that bear with a religious background. Examples are as follow again...
Plague Cadence:
(Ab/VI)(Fm/iv) - - - - - - - - - (Cm/i) (Bb/vii) Where iv -> i is a Plague Cadence (Minor key)
Oh Oh, Oh Oh I'm love with Judas, J-u-das
(F#m/vi) (D/IV) - - - - - - - (A/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth I'm on the edge of glory
(Eb/V) (Fm/vi) (Db/IV) - - - (Ab/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
I'll follow you until you love me Pa-pa, Paparazzi Baby...
(A/VI) (F#m/iv) - - - - - (C#m/i) Where iv -> i is a Plague Cadence (Minor key)
What's going on on the fl-oor
(G#m/i) [B:] (E/IV) - - - - - - - - - - - - (B/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face
(E/I)(B/V) (A/IV) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (E/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
(G#m/i) [B:] (E/IV) - - - - - - - - - - - - (B/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face
(E/I)(B/V) (A/IV) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (E/I) Where IV -> I is a Plague Cadence (Major key)
Eh - Eh, Eh - Eh, There's nothing else I can say
(F#/I) [B:] (E/IV) - - - -
I’m beau-ti-ful in my way Cause God makes no mistakes
- - - - - - - (B/I) - - - - [F#:] - - - - - (F#/I)
I’m on the right track baby I was born this way
Last example, the double IV -> I progression
(F#/I) [B:] (E/IV) - - - -
I’m beau-ti-ful in my way Cause God makes no mistakes
- - - - - - - (B/I) - - - - [F#:] - - - - - (F#/I)
I’m on the right track baby I was born this way
In the last example, the (E/IV) chord act as the sub-dominant chord of the relative key of B major, which is related to F# major. Therefore, in the key of B, (E/IV) -> (B/I) is a Plague Cadence itself. Along the composition, in the key of F#, (B/I) from B major would be considered as (B/IV) in F# major. Therefore, the (B/I)[B] -> (F#/I)[F#] can be written as (B/IV) -> (F#/I), which is also another Plague Cadence.
Coincidence? or just a composing technique? Despite anything, Plague cadences are generally with a "stronger" contrast between the chords in comparison to Authentic cadences. If we are speaking with the "Tense" of resolved-ness, then both Plague and Authentic cadences are well resolved at the end of the phrases.
Coincidence? or just a composing technique? Despite anything, Plague cadences are generally with a "stronger" contrast between the chords in comparison to Authentic cadences. If we are speaking with the "Tense" of resolved-ness, then both Plague and Authentic cadences are well resolved at the end of the phrases.
However, if we are speaking on the "Tense" of the harmonic impact, related to its chordal modification intensity (the intensity of the subjective feeling of the audience that it's resolving, or the degree of unexpectedness during the harmonic resolve), Plague cadences are absolutely higher than Authentic cadences. This is because we, as audiences, expect Authentic cadence at the end of a phrase, which is the most case for most compositions from Baroque music to Contemporary music.
To an extent, Plague cadences are classified as amen (or church) cadences because of the unexpected nature in existence. In which, a degree of interest will develop and hence it creates a substantial amount of awe. Ultimately, the audience will be able to elaborate the awe in their experience and hence generate a strong feeling towards the composition itself. Therefore, it is, with purpose that, Mother Monster's compositions are suppose to relate to awe feelings, in order to have them stay in every Lil Monster's heart? Maybe, Maybe not. Regardless, I, as a Lil Monster, would always welcome this awe feeling because other compositions are incapable of providing it to me.
If the above relationship is valid (which must go through many scientific trials. If not, case studies should be conducted to validate the above), then, nothing to say much, Mother Monster will always be able to catch every Lil Monster's emotion by having emotional chrodal progressions, retro music arrangements, along with questionable, yet brilliant poetry.
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