Anyone, who had experience with the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 精神障害の診断と統計の手引き), whether it's from your psychology lectures to using it as a clinical psychologist, should know that the DSM is the bible (though some doubted it) for mental disorder diagnosis. One of it's features is that it uses an axes system, where many mental disorders are organized along the 5 different axes.
What I am attempting to do, is to put along, my Mother Monster's compositions, on the 5 axes I suggested below. I will be explaining them in the future, so please stay tuned!!
Theme I: Responsibility vs. #NotASingleFuckWasGiven
Theme II: Genetic Predisposition vs. Environment Influence
Theme III: Glamourous and Chic vs. Dirty and Indecisive
Theme IV: Pure sex vs. Pure love
Theme V (if applies): Holy figure vs. Satanic figure
Where these axes make up the DSG, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Gaga I